
Showing posts from January, 2023

visited bortalav

                                                                8-1-2023                Today, I visited bortalav. Bortalav is sudoname it proper name is Gairi shankal lake. It is situated in bhavnagar , near Jewel circle .                   I seen  sunrise in there  . That was beautiful moment of my life.                  Than I see beautiful birds there like Dove , Duck , peacock , crow , Etc.There have many birds  . Many birds I dont know their  name. That was very beautiful.                     It is include our syllabus literally pinnacle. So I visited this place for knowledg...

My project

                                                                   5-1-2023                   Today ,we were give one task by our teacher vipul sir. Task was about write our all cilebers  . Me and my friends complit our self .

I find no peace

                                       By Thomas wyatt                 'I find no peace ' it had written by Thomas wyatt. He was famous writer of 16th  century. English Politician, Ambassador and Lyric poet credited with introducing the sonnet to english litreture.He was to experiment with the  english language to vcivliseit to raise its powers to equal those of ther European languages.  About poem                 This  poem is petrachan sonnet and theme is love and heart break . This poem in writer took about his did not meet space . It we know about title. Whole poem tooking about love , joy , sorrow, pain , confusion , at the same time . This poem in poet talking about some forbidden  love that makes him feel unease. The tone of the poem hand in hand with theme of the poem . The sp...