I find no peace

                                      By Thomas wyatt


'I find no peace ' it had written by Thomas wyatt. He was famous writer of 16th  century. English Politician, Ambassador and Lyric poet credited with introducing the sonnet to english litreture.He was to experiment with the  english language to vcivliseit to raise its powers to equal those of ther European languages. 

About poem


This  poem is petrachan sonnet and theme is love and heart break . This poem in writer took about his did not meet space . It we know about title. Whole poem tooking about love , joy , sorrow, pain , confusion , at the same time . This poem in poet talking about some forbidden  love that makes him feel unease. The tone of the poem hand in hand with theme of the poem . The speaker’s emotional imbalance as a result of this understand love. When people valued love yet condemned  the ide of love yet condemned the idea of love ,before marriage or having mistreses. The poet tries to explain the complexies of being in love. 

 Form and structure 

               This poem include the sonnet to english litreture. The poem has 14 lines , divided in to two parts an octave ( 8 lines ) and sestet (6 lines ) .

The rhyme scheme of poem :ABAB   ABAB   CDE    CDE . 


               The title which is also the first line begins with his inability to rest despite having no war to fight. His conflicting emotions are present in the way . He is optimistic and afraid ablaze and frozen , soaring yet unable to take off desires death  yet demands strength.  He says he has nothing yet he holds the whole world. Further, he feels there are no locks strong enough to bind or imprison him, yet bound by love in an inescapable prison, Ultimately,  he feels that he has no control over his life or death.  Poet said he need death but he praye he well health . he love to her so he do not like ourself . in love,  he see without eyes and complains without tongue  . This line something like that નયન ને બંધ  રાખીને મે જ્યારે તમને જોયા સે . The end of poem , the speaker seems to be happy  despite the paradoxical elements of love. 


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