
Lords of the flies

1. What are the viewpoints on the idea of freedom? Freedom means we can do anything, but sometimes people misuse it in negative ways. We should consider the situation and timing before taking any action. If our freedom harms others or infringes on their rights, we should refrain from such actions. The question then arises: what about our own freedom? A.G. Gardiner, in his essay "On the Rule of the Road," suggests that the liberty of an individual must be balanced with the needs of society to ensure social safety and order. Without this balance, individual liberty could lead to chaos and anarchy. Liberty = Freedom 2. Does freedom make a person an anarchist? It depends on the individual. If people are educated, mature, and capable of handling freedom responsibly, they will not become anarchists. However, if a person gains freedom unexpectedly or lacks discipline due to their upbringing, they may behave like a compressed spring—once released, they might o

The Adventure of Shivesh's Treasure"

       It's a beautiful and cloudy day. Shivesh is searching for something in his home, but unfortunately, he doesn't find it. He asks his mother,  "Have you seen Dada's old books?" Vrinda enters the room and asks, "What are you doing and Why is it all scattered ?"  Shivesh answers, "I am searching for Grandpa's old book where he wrote his daily schedule."  Vrinda questions, "But why do you want the book at this time?"  Shivesh insists, "You do what I say, don't bombard me with a bunch of questions."        After a while, Vrinda thinks and then looks behind the cupboard, and the book is there. "Here it is," Vrinda gives it to him vigorously.         Shivesh looks at the book as if he's found water in the desert. His grandpa, Mr. Sharikant , was a diarist, naturalist, and adventurer.         Shivesh cleans the dust off the book and opens it. He reads about a treasure in a forest. He's also an adven


         I am student of S.Y. B.A. English. We have 4 paper in English language Iin paper of Novel and short story, We have completed animal farm by George Orwell line to line in kavisha Ma'am's class room and also watch a movie "Animal farm". Ma'am give us questions. 1 identify mejor reference between novel and it's adoption Story narration The story narration by writer him self in novel and in the story first person a bitch Jessy. Beginning The novel start with introduction of Mr Johne and The downfall of animal farm in movie. Pilkington In novel old information about Pilkington but in the movie add his family also. Charector   Clover was friend of Boxer in novel and in movie his role taken by Jessy. Mejor words Old mager mostofly use "Commred"  in novel and director remove it. Songs   Both have two song but both are different in novel "Bestof England Bestof Ireland" and "Co

Science Center

The Department of English (FY, SY, and T.Y.) visited the Science Center in Nari, Bhavnagar, on 16/2/2024 with an academic purpose.  We entered at 10 o'clock and explored various galleries: 1. Inquiry Gallery showcasing environment of under water and they had different  colorful fishes.all fishes swimming in water tank. There were 4 big water tanks. 2. Automobile Gallery with information on the development of vehicles such as bicycles, petrol engines, diesel engines, and airplanes. We also enjoyed captivating 3D videos at the end of the gallery. 3. Nobel Prize Gallery provided details about Nobel Prize winners and their contributions to Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, Economics, and Peace. 4. Electro-Mechanical Gallery featured interesting devices, although due to time constraints, we couldn't thoroughly explore it. 5. Bio Science Gallery, unfortunately, we had limited time and couldn


HISTORYCAL BACKGROUND   1.Decline of the Party Feud.:  The contest between the Whigs and the Tories still continues, but it is hardly of the previous bitterness. The chief reason for this change is found in the weakness of the Tory party. In the middle of century the whigs had hardly any opposition. 2.Commercial and Imperial Expansion :  Under the pacific management of the great Whig minister Walpole, and owing to the successful wars of his successors, the eighteenth century saw an immense growth in the wealth and importance of the British Empire.  3. The French revolution : During the century new ideas were germinating; new forces were gathering strength; and the Revolution.  Liberty, equity and fraternity were the wach words of French revolution. Features of the age 1. The Double Tendency :  Two movements can be clearly observedin the writing of the time. (i)The allegiance to the old order of classicism. (ii) The search after the new order of Romanticism. 2. T