3 / 7 / 2023         

   Today it was guru purnima day.  We celibate guru purnima in Ashadh punam . It was day birth date of rushi ved vyash. Mahabharat was made by him. So in our college we was celibate this day. 

     First l reached in college at 7:30. becouse  vipul sir massege to us. Than our first task was make rangoli. My all classmate participant in this program. Heena and siddhaarth both were my rangoli partner. But Yashpal  , Parth , Jay , Hardik ,Parag , Divyraj, Meet, Sahil ,Bhargav help us not only boys also girls help us Hemangi ben and Darshna ben. 

                               Our rangoli

     And today was welcome for first years student. So our college organized  function. Function divided 3 part  riddhi , esani and rajdeep were anker. 

     Riddhi was first anker. Program start with pray "jivan anjali thajo maru". It pray has many virtues world. Than Sholani Shruti sung wonderful hymn. Than ashish sir gave speech for new students. Than  started students speech. My friend Yashpal also participate in speech. 

     Esani was second anker. 21 jun was world yoga day  . We  celebrate but that time we not meet sartifiket. Today we gote it. 

     And third and last anker was rajdeep. First he was said about guru purnima. Than all professors  gave them speech. 

     Thank you  All professors for organized this event. 


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