Annual report

                                                       17 - 4 - 2023                        ANNUAL REPORT 
          Yesterday was last day of TY students in our college. Annual faction was celibate by us . This program was  orgenazed  by SPEI English dipartment.
                  WELCOME WITH FLOWERS 
             Program was 17th April but I rechched Bhavnagar on 16th April.I reached 8 o'clock in the college with my friends .       program started at 8:30. sedual devaide two part first 8:30 To 10:00 and 10:15 to .
       2:00.First season ancred by Jay Bhai and aakash bhai . program started with preyer .Than Sardar Patel song .Than fecolti s were welcome by students After that time all TY students present their PPT .It includ all data of their college life. Then we did 15 minite break.           After break program started agein. That time ancred by Riddhi didi and Rutvi didi.  This season all students parformed their skills like dance , sing , play game .
       I also participated this event  .I sung a song . That's words "
       મનાકી મુશ્કિલ હૈ સફર પર તુમ્હો મુસાફીર 
        કહી અગર તુ રૂકા તો મંજીલ પાયેગી ના ફીર 
        કદમ કદમ મિલાયે જા 
        ગગન ગગન જુકાયેજા 
        રખ હોસલો કર ફેસલા તુજે વક્ત બદલના હે
        ચલના હો બંદેયા રૂકના હો બંદે આ રાહ પે ચલ બંદે યા.  
         After that time Vishvjitbhi and jaybhai gave their last speach in college . They said what situation before come vipul sir and vaidehimeam and after situation . That time we feel we are lucky. after all professer give their speach .
         Than we took lunch on 2:30. Than we took group photos and went home .        It was last day of TY students and vaidehimeam. We will miss you. Thank you for coming our life .

                          GROUP PHOTOS 


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